Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Finna Henna!!!

So I decided to Henna my hair to see what all of the fuss was about. I purchased Jamilia Henna from amazon. Here is what I put in my henna:

Jamilia Henna extra sift
No protien conditioner
Lemon Juice ~1tbl spoon
1/2-1 cup water (two if you use the entire packet)
Olive oil (I just eyeballed it)
You want a pasty consistency. So I let mine sit over night and I used it the next afternoon.This is what it looked like before I put it on my hair..see how the dye has been released by the red streaks. I then covered it with saran wrap and a plastic cap to reduce dripping (did not work I need the cotton ball strip next time), anyway so I let it sit for about 2 hours.
 I washed my hair to open up my hair and then I smashed it on.

Results Before
.well it was soft, it did color my hair faintly. My curls were pretty but not like everyone proclaimed. I will try Henna twice more to see if it changes over time. But it was fun!!

..After It was very soft and pretty but it made my hair look very dry afterwards. Next time I will use indigo or find a dark brown to balance out the red.